It is known from electrical and mechanical sciences that there are three elements: field, rotation and current, when two of them exist, the third will be produced.
generate electrical power, the field and rotation must be exited. The
type of generation is determined according to what causes the rotation of the
Types of power plants :
- Steam Turbine power plants.
- Gas Turbine power plants.
- Combined cycle steam-gas power plants.
- Hydraulic power plants.
- Nuclear power plants.
1-Steam Turbine Power Plant
Principle Of Operation
of thermal energy to mechanical energy and then to electrical one
How does it work :
-Steam is produced inside steam generator at which water is heated.
Then steam is transported to turbines through pipes to make it move.
A synchronous generator is connected to the turbine to convert the mechanical
energy to electrical one.
After that, steam passes through condensers to decrease its temperature in
order to condense it to be water again.
The previous steps are repeated in a cycle.
Main components :
- Furnace (Boiler).
- Steam Turbine.
- Condenser.
- Electric generator.
kind of plants has efficiency not over 30% due to thermal and mechanical high
losses - that mean - only 30% of fuel energy is converted to electrical energy.
- The following figure (1-1) shows the
construction of Steam Turbine Power Plant and its components.
2-Gas Turbine Power Plant
Principle Of Operation:
of electrical power from the rotational energy produced from the turbine that
rotates with the power of the compact consumption gases .
Main Components :
Compressor Unit:
The turbine and compressor are in a common unit which is fed with the pressed air which is needed for fuel consumption.
The turbine and compressor are in a common unit which is fed with the pressed air which is needed for fuel consumption.
Is responsible for flame generating through two paths: one for air and the other for fuel . By controlling fuel pumping, consumption process is controlled according to nature of load variation.
Is responsible for flame generating through two paths: one for air and the other for fuel . By controlling fuel pumping, consumption process is controlled according to nature of load variation.
3-Electrical Generator.
3-Combined Cycle Steam-Gas Power Plant
Principle Of Operation:
It includes the main generation unit of gas turbine , the consumption gases is used also to heat the water in the boiler to produce steam that is used to operate another generation unit which is a steam turbine as shown in fig.(1-2)
It includes the main generation unit of gas turbine , the consumption gases is used also to heat the water in the boiler to produce steam that is used to operate another generation unit which is a steam turbine as shown in fig.(1-2)
4-Hydraulic Power Plant
Principle Of OperationHydro-Electric projects need water power for generation of electric energy. When water drops through a height, its energy is able to rotate turbines which are coupled to alternators.
Main Components :
Is one big tube or more which exist under the dam or on the top of waterfalls to the entrance of turbine. The water quantity inside it is controlled by valves at the two ends of it.
Is one big tube or more which exist under the dam or on the top of waterfalls to the entrance of turbine. The water quantity inside it is controlled by valves at the two ends of it.
The generator is connected to it so when the valves of tubes are opened , the water rush by a big velocity that can rotates the turbine then the rotator of generator will rotate to generate the electric energy.
The generator is connected to it so when the valves of tubes are opened , the water rush by a big velocity that can rotates the turbine then the rotator of generator will rotate to generate the electric energy.
3-Draught Tubes:
After the water rotates the turbine, draught tubes play an important roll in getting ride of the water in order not to disturb the rotation.
After the water rotates the turbine, draught tubes play an important roll in getting ride of the water in order not to disturb the rotation.
like gates, pumps and switches.
like gates, pumps and switches.
as shown in fig (1-3)
5-Nuclear Power Plant
Principle Of Operation:To generate steam by heating water to make turbines rotate, so it can be considered as a thermal power plant but instead of using a boiler, a nuclear reactor is used to generate the required heat.
Main components :
For heat generation.
For heat generation.
2-Heat Ex-changer:
For converting water into steam by using the heat generated in the reactor.
For converting water into steam by using the heat generated in the reactor.
Which is connected to generator to generate the electric energy.
Which is connected to generator to generate the electric energy.
4-Condenser , auxiliaries
, etc.
as shown in fig (1-4)
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